Award-winning solar architecture
Excellent examples from all over the world awarded for constructing with solar energy: the prize winners of the “Architecture Award Building-Integrated Solar Technology 2022“
The international competition was held for the 9h time in the year 2022.
This year’s competition attracted 121 entries, 12 of which came from universities. Since the first competition in 2000, a total of 783 entries have been submitted to the nine competitions. This is an extremely pleasing result given the prize’s aim of not only encouraging outstanding contributions to planning and designing building-integrated solar power systems, but also highlighting exemplary solutions in sophisticated architecture.
Architecture Award Building-Integrated Solar Technology 2022
Amt für Umwelt und Energie, Basel

Entrant: Megasol Energie AG
Architect: jessenvollenweider architektur
Operator: Amt für Umwelt und Energie (AUE)
Owner: Einwohnergemeinde der Stadt Basel
Representation of the builder-owner: Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement des Kanton Basel Stadt
PV-Modules: Megasol Energie AG
Installed PV capacity: 167 kW
2. Prizes
Coop headquarters, Basel

Entrant/Architect: Burckhardt+Partner AG
Owner/Operator: Coop Immobilien AG
PV-Modules: Megasol Energie AG
Installed PV capacity: 158 kW
Portalen, Drammen

Entrant/Architect: Lund+Slaatto Arkitekter
Owner/Operator: Union Eiendomsutwikling AS
Installed PV capacity (facade): 87,65 kW
Gare Maritime, Brussels

Entrant/Owner: Nextensa
Architects: Neutelings Riedijk Architects + Bureau Bouwtechniek
Installed PV capacity (facade): 38,8 kW
+ (rooftop): 3,3 MW
Winter energy-plus house Sol’CH, Poschiavo

Entrant/Architect: Nadia Vontobel Architekten GmbH
Installed PV capacity: 65,6 kW
Children’s Surgical Hospital, Entebbe

Entrant: studio TAMassociati
Architects: Renzo Piano Building Workshop + studio TAMassociati
Owner/Operator: Emergency NGO
Installed PV capacity: 276,36 kW
Honorary mentions
Novartis Pavillon, Basel

Entrant: ASCA
Architect: AMDL Circle
Local architect: Blaser Architekten
Media facade: iart
OPV-Modules: ASCA
Installed PV capacity: 36 kW
Manuel elementary school, Bern

Entrant, Architect: dadarchitekten GmbH
Client: City of Bern
Operator and owner PV system: Energie Wasser Bern
PV-Modules: 3S Swiss Solar Solutions AG
Installed PV capacity: 610 kW
terra.hub, Ursprung

Entrant, Architect: furoris X art GmbH Architekten
Client: roger und ines Gutes Leben GbR
Installed PV capacity: 12,87 kW
Renovation + extension to residence building, Tübingen

Entrant, owner: GWG Tübingen mbH
Operator: Stadtwerke Tübingen GmbH
Architect: Orth Architektur
PV-Modules: Autarq
Installed PV capacity: 8,32 kW
PTT Binnenrotte, Rotterdam

Entrant, Architect: Orange Architects
PV-Modules: Wienerberger
Expected energy yield: 56,000 kWh
Students Award
Solar Decathlon Europe 21-22 Team coLLab, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart

Entrant, Architect: Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
Owner: Bau-Fritz GmbH & Co. KG
OPV-Modules: ASCA
Honorary mentions, Bad Rappenau

Entrant/Architect: ai:L Architektur-Institut Leipzig
at the Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Frank Hülsmeier, Architekt
Stefan Huth, M.A., Architekt
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Adrian Heller, Architekt
Owner/Operator(Facade construction: Tim Friedrich
Aluform Alucubondverarbeitungs-GmbH
Solar Decathlon Europe 21-22 Team RoofKIT, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut Entwerfen und Bautechnik
Professur Nachhaltiges Bauen, Professur Bauphysik und Technischer Ausbau
Solar Decathlon Europe 21-22 Team MIMO, Hochschule Düsseldorf

Entrant: Hochschule Düsseldorf
Architecture Award Building-Integrated Solar Technology 2022